Modular Installation Services is a leading independent Commercial Furniture Services company providing new installations, reconfigurations, moving, logistics and storage services to complete your facility projects effectively and efficiently. We know that the modern office environment is geared toward cooperation, collaboration, and communication. With these concepts in mind, we work with our customers to plan and implement their furniture projects.
Furniture Dealers throughout the country know that Modular Installation Services provides the leadership, quality, and experience necessary to receive, deliver and correctly install new furniture for clients. We do not sell furniture - we do not believe in competing against our dealership clientele. Instead, we provide a true long-term partnership with dealers throughout the country.
Facilities Managers, Construction Managers, and Project Managers know that Modular Installation Services understands that moving, changing, or growing their office space can be very disruptive to their business, employees, and customers. That’s why FM's use Modular Installation Services to plan and implement their most difficult projects in a smooth, efficient and cost-effective manner with minimal disruption.
It is our Team! Our strength is in our employees. We take the time to hire, train and develop our Team Members so they buy into the concepts of exceeding our clients' needs. An experienced and highly trained Project Supervisor is assigned to each project to ensure exceptional customer service and job performance.
Please contact us with any questions. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss your project needs.